Thursday, April 19, 2007

Revelation Course @ TPMC

WOW! I have never seen anything like this before.
On a weekday evening, TPMC carpark is full of cars and the sanctuary has about 650 people.
Pastor Benny Ho taught on the Book of Revelation and I was ministered.

He began with an introduction to the 7 Churches in Revelation.
In all the letters to the 7 churches, he summarised that there were 4 main points:
Commendation (Good compliment), Complain (Weakness), Correction (What to do to change), Compensation (A Promise).

Then he went on to the first 2 Churches, the church in Ephesus and then Smyrna.
For Ephesus, the Lord commended the church of their enthusiasm, endurance and enlightenment. What the have a problem is that they lost their first love.
So what they need to do is to remember their first love, repent and repeat what they did in the past when they loved the Lord. They were promised that they will eat from the tree of life.

He ended before the break by saying this which really ministered to me.

What you do not recognise, you do not celebrate
What you do not celebrate, you do not enjoy.
What you do not enjoy, it will not last.

Lord help me be a positive influence to recognise the people who have committed their lives to you in service. Help me to celebrate with them the victories in their ministry and their lives.
Help me to encourage them that they will enjoy the ministry and persevere on to last.

Will tell more about the 2nd session in the next post.

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