Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Matthew 5: 38 - 39

"You have heard that it was said, `Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.' But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.

Jesus brings another extreme action which is difficult to follow. After being struck on the cheek, we are to offer the other cheek. This is something quite humanly impossible. If someone were to cheat me of $100,000, will I still be willing to help this person if he comes to me with another $100,000 debt that he needs to clear? Many questions will run in my mind that by clearing the debt, it will not help this person and only cause him to be irresponsible. But if I look at it simply, will I still go all the way and help him? This is un-natural and difficult especially when he had already cheated me.

I may not be able to reach to that level of forgiveness or compassion. But I do know that I will try to help in the way I find most suitable and to my ability emotionally, practically and spiritually. That is the standard Jesus is talking about.

Lord Jesus, help me to grow to love like you. To be able to forgive and to have compassion on the people around me. Sometimes it may be difficult but I know that by your strength and love, I will be one who cares like Jesus cares. Amen.

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