Sunday, April 29, 2007
Like a million pieces
My thoughts are scattered
On everything but JESUS
Let YOUR love make me whole
Let YOUR will take control
Cleanse me with YOUR SPIRIT
Renew my heart and my soul
Guide me on YOUR path
To help others who are lost
YOU bought me with YOUR blood
That YOU poured upon the cross
YOU lift me like kings
YOU speak to me in dreams
YOU give me hope in despair
And forgive me for all things
Sad but accomplished 2 weeks
We had 5 deaths in the last 2 weeks: 2 last week and 3 this week.
I visited the families of the deceased and conducted one wake service and one cremation service. Even though I have done many funerals, it felt so sad just seeing the families say goodbye to their loved ones and I had to be strong.
I sent my wife to the airport on Wed morning for her business trip.
I sent PIC to the airport for his Mission Trip to Thailand on Friday.
Then I am back at the airport to fetch my wife on Saturday evening.
I am going again to the airport this evening to sent my wife off to Taiwan.
The airport has become a regular place for me.
My son had a high fever 40 deg on Wed afternoon until Friday.
Brought him to the doctor on Thursday morning.
And I had quite a number of meetings with Care Corner, TRAC Board of Witness & Evangelism, TRAC Board of Youth Ministry, etc.
Lord Jesus, thank you for giving me the opportunity to minister and to comfort the families of the deceased. Thank you for healing my son from his high fever. Please heal him completely of his sore throat, cough and flu. Guide me and teach me how to be a good pastor to the church especially when I have to hold the fort while PIC is not around. Amen.
Friday, April 27, 2007

Your Friends will support you....

And respect your creativity for thinking outside the box....

They'll be there when you need a shoulder to lean on....

A true friend takes interest in understanding what you're all about....

They see beyond the black and white to discover your true colors....

And accept you just the way you are...

Even when you just wake up in the morning So make your own kind of music....

Follow your heart wherever it takes you....

And when someone reaches out to you, don't be afraid to love them back....

They may just be a friend for life....

Practice patience and tolerance.....

Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave....

And impossible to forget! Share this with all your unforgettable friends today....
May Your Day Be Filled With All Things Good.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
The Church in Laodicea
The Church in Laodicea must be feeling embarrassed.
This is because it is the only church without a commendation.
There are 4 things that this church is famous for:
1. It was famous for its banking and commercial centre.
And Jesus counseled the people of Laodicea not to depend on themselves but look to Jesus.
"Buy from me gold refined in the fire..."
2. It was a famous textile manufacturing centre.
They produced beautiful black wool.
But Jesus interestingly said to them, "Whilte garments to cover your shameful nakedness."
3. It was a famous medical research centre
They produced a powder used to mix with water to cure physical eye disease.
Jesus said to them, "Buy from me ointment to put in your eyes so that you can see."
One thing lacking in this city is fresh drinking water.
So they relied on their neighbours to get fresh, clean water.
So they got either hot spring water or cold mountain water delivered through pipes.
Unfortunately when the water arrives, it was neither hot nor cold and becomes difficult for drinking due to the sulphur present in the water.
Jesus used this known fact of the lack of water and said to them,
"You are lukewarm... I will spew you out of my mouth."
So what was wrong with the Church in Laodicea?
1. They were INDIFFERENT
The greatest insult we can give God is half-heartedness.
Give to God all our passion, commitment, love, our hearts to him when we serve him.
2. They were INDEPENDENT
Because they were rich, they relied their security, status and power in what they have rather than on God. There is nothing wrong with being rich but when our riches becomes our security and status and power, then we need to do a rain check.
How can we learn from the Church of Laodicea?
1. Have faith in God and ask for a greater measure of faith in God.
Gold refined in fire...
2. Live a life of holiness in Christ Jesus.
White garments to wear...
3. Receive anointing from the Holy Spirit to see spiritually.
Ointment to put on our eyes.
Lord Jesus, help me to rely on you for security, status and power.
That I will be able to live my life in faith, holiness and anointing. Amen.
The Church in Philadelphia
1. It was a focal point for 5 major roads - a gateway to Asia.
Because of that, this city has lots of idols lying in the streets like Athens.
2. It was located in a volcanic region.
So the city is always in danger of volcanic eruption but it comes with prosperity because of the fertile volcanic lava. So they planted grape vines and produce lots of wine.
3. It was famous for her pillars.
The city is lined with pillars filled with names the king wanted to honour.
The Church in Philadelphia is the 2nd Church in the 7 Churches which Jesus did not have a complaint against. The first was Smyrna.
Rev 3: 7
...These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David.
What is the key of David?
The key of David speaks of delegated authority.
And Jesus has delegated this key to us in Matthew 16: 19 & 18:18.
Heaven holds the key by which decisions governing earthly affairs are made but we hold the key by which those decisions are implemented.
Where does this key open to?
This key opens:
1. The Door of Salvation
Rev 3: 8 - "Though you may feel you have little strength but I have place before you an open door that no man can shut..."
3. The Door to the Nations
Rev 3: 9 - "I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan come and fall down at your feet & acknowledged that I have loved you."
Jesus promised those who stay faithful in our circumstances a crown waiting for us, he will put his name on us and make us a pillar in the temple of God.
Lord Jesus, help me be faithful to you especially in difficult moments of my life.
Help me to understand that I hold the keys to the door of salvation and be a testimony of grace for you. Amen.
Monday, April 23, 2007
The Church in Sardis
In Revelation, Jesus wanted Sardis to correct their situation spiritually.
3 things was needful:
1. Look into the Past and REMEMBER what they have received and heard, obey it and repent.
2. Look into the Present and REVIEW our spiritual lives.
3. Look into the future and REPRIORITIZE
There will be 3 REWARDS awating the Church of Sardis:
Lord Jesus, As I evaluate my life over, help me to review and reprioritize my life to that I will not fall into complacency. Amen!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Hospital Visit
When I finally arrived and entered her room, I couldn't recognise her.
She used to be slim and cheerful.
But she looks swollen instead. Face, neck, arms and all.
And the usual smile and chatty person was not there.
She could not move or even smile.
She just stared at me point blank.
I was distraught but tried to contain it within myself.
I smiled at her and then prayed for her.
That was all I could do. I felt so helpless!
It did not take long for me to say that I have to get going because inside of me, I was crying for her and I did not want to show it. If I stayed any longer, I would have burst into tears.
Lord Jesus, comfort this person and take away her pain and suffering. Let your presence be felt so that she will feel safe and secure in your arms. Thank you Lord, that I can visit her and minister to her in prayer. Amen.
Friday, April 20, 2007
The Church in Thytira
They were commended for their deeds, their love and their faith, their service and their perseverance.
But they were repoached for allowing the spirit of Jezebel to rule in their lives.
The spirit of idolatry, control, manipulation, revengeful and immorality & lust to penetrate into their lives.
It is said that those under the Jezebel spirit will either become timid and fearful or become another Jezebel.
One thing is needed and that is to repent.
With idolatry, we need to worship God and grow closer to God.
With control, we need to learn to humble
With manipulation, we need to respect and recognise.
With revenge, we need to forgive.
With immorality, we need to live for God to see.
And God will reward us with His kingdom, His power and His glory.
Lord Jesus, help me to grow closer to you in humility, respect and live for God.
The Church in Pergamum
The Church in Pergamum was asked to be separated.
To be distinctively holy in a paganistic city.
The Church was commended for being true to Jesus and for holding on to their faith.
But they were reproached living with the teachings of Balaam which compromises with wrong association and the teachings of Nicolaitians which compromises with the fleshly desires.
They were asked to have nothing to do with those compromising acts and be different in this paganistic city. To throw out those things that are not right in God and stay separated and pure.
God demands holiness for his people.
Lord Jesus, help me to stay holy and make a difference to my world around me.
Help me to distinguish what is wrong to do and what is contextualising to the people around me as I reach out to them. Amen.
2nd Church in Revelation - Smryna
Someone once said,
"I looked for the church and I found it in the world.
I looked for the world and i found it in the church."
They suffered in 3 areas:
1. Loss of prosperity
Their possessions were confiscated and they were deprived of jobs.
2. Loss of respectability
They were falsely accused and slandered.
3. Loss of Liberty
They were arrested and imprisoned.
And God encouraged them.
1. He says, "I know your affliction..."
2. They are assured their suffering will only be for a season.
3. God will blessed them with spiritual blessings.
4. They may be hurt on earth but they are assured of eternal security.
5. They will receive with the crown of life.
Lord Jesus, even in our suffering and persecution, thank you for your encouragement.
You know our troubles that they will only be for a season and that we will receive spiritual blessings, eternal security and a crown of life. Amen.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Revelation Course
Revelation Course @ TPMC
On a weekday evening, TPMC carpark is full of cars and the sanctuary has about 650 people.
Pastor Benny Ho taught on the Book of Revelation and I was ministered.
He began with an introduction to the 7 Churches in Revelation.
In all the letters to the 7 churches, he summarised that there were 4 main points:
Commendation (Good compliment), Complain (Weakness), Correction (What to do to change), Compensation (A Promise).
Then he went on to the first 2 Churches, the church in Ephesus and then Smyrna.
For Ephesus, the Lord commended the church of their enthusiasm, endurance and enlightenment. What the have a problem is that they lost their first love.
So what they need to do is to remember their first love, repent and repeat what they did in the past when they loved the Lord. They were promised that they will eat from the tree of life.
He ended before the break by saying this which really ministered to me.
What you do not recognise, you do not celebrate
What you do not celebrate, you do not enjoy.
What you do not enjoy, it will not last.
Lord help me be a positive influence to recognise the people who have committed their lives to you in service. Help me to celebrate with them the victories in their ministry and their lives.
Help me to encourage them that they will enjoy the ministry and persevere on to last.
Will tell more about the 2nd session in the next post.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Thank you Lord for molding me.
Thank you Lord for your mercy.
Let your will be done in my life Lord.
Oceans Will Part
If my heart has grown cold,
There Your love will unfold;
As You open my eyes
to the work of Your hand.
When I’m blind to my way,
There Your Spirit will pray;
As You open my eyes
to the work of Your hand.
Oceans will part; nations come
At the whisper of Your call.
Hope will rise; glory shown.
In my life, Your will be done.
Present suffering may pass,
Lord, Your mercy will last;
As You open my eyes
to the work of Your hand.
And my heart will find praise,
I’ll delight in Your way,
As You open my eyes
to the work of Your hand.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Sunday, April 8, 2007
How do we care for others if we do not spend time with them?
How do we care for others if we do not show positive actions of care & concern?
People don't care what you know until they know that you care.
Care is about remembering them on their significant days.
Care is about visiting them when they or their family are sick.
Care is about supporting them when they hurt.
People don't care what you know until they know that you care.
It is crucial to demonstrate positive care rather than use caring words alone.
It is crucial to demonstrate positive care in order to get to know others.
It is crucial to demonstate positive care before trying to rebuke.
If not, rebuke will only be percieve as uncaring actions.
Help me Lord to be careful to care for others.
Help me Lord to positively care for others.
Help me Lord to show positive care before rebuke.
Help me Lord to love as Jesus loves.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Wise Sayings
CS Lewis
Lord where we are wrong, make us willing to change, and where we are right, make us easy to live with.
Peter Marshall
The man who is incapable of making mistakes is incapable of anything.
Abraham Lincoln
A man who believes himself a sinner, who feels himself sinful, is already at the gates of of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Francois Mauric
Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?
Matthew 7: 3
Help me Lord to judge myself more severely before I can look at others with loving eyes.
George Herbert
God pardons like a mother, who kisses the offense into everlasting forgiveness.
Henry Ward Beecher
The best thing to give your enemy is forgiveness; to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to your child, a good example; to a father, deference; to your mother, conduct that will make her proud; to yourself, respect and to all men, charity.
Arthur Balfour
"I can forgive, but I can't forget," is only another way of saying, "I cannot forgive."
Henry Ward Beecher
This is certain that a man that study revenge keeps his wounds green, which otherwise would heal and do well.
Francis Bacon
God has an eraser.
Billy Zeoli
I will not permit any man to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him.
Booker Washington
Friday, April 6, 2007
It is like when there is a battle deep inside of you.
One says you have gone so far, why give up now?
While the other, "Enough is enough!"
A feeling like this comes
When you feel everything is going against you.
When you have become a villain to all.
When all you do will only hurt those around you.
Wouldn't it be better if you disappear?
Wouldn't it be better if you do something less influential?
Wouldn't it be better if you just be a nobody minding your own buisness?
Wouldn't it be better if you could just be in a place where people understands you.
But then you know that you are serving the Lord.
And there is no turning back.
In good times or in bad times.
In sickness and in health.
In riches or in poverty.
As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.
Just what do you want me to do Lord?
Just where do you want me go Lord?
Just how do you want me live Lord?
Show me your way!
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Why the wedding ring should put on the fourth finger?
Firstly, form your palm, bend centre fingers and put together back to back
Secondly, the rest of the 4 fingers tips to tip.
Try splitting each pair as follows:

Try to open your thumb, the thumb represent parents, they can separate which is our parents will leave us one day.
Next close up your thumb, then open your index or second finger, this finger represents brothers and sisters, they will have their own families which means they too will leave us.
Now close up your second finger, open up your pinkie or little finger, this represent your children. Sooner or later they too will leave us for they have their own lives to lead.
Now, try to open your fourth finger which we put our wedding rings on, you will find that they cannot be opened at all, because as a pair, they represent husbands and wives, which means you will be attached to each other, difficult to take apart...
Thumb represent parents
Second finger represent brothers & sisters
Centre finger represent own self
Fourth finger represent your partner
Last finger represent your children
Have mercy on Me
according to your unfailing love;
according to your great compassion
blot out my transgressions.
Wash away all my iniquity
and cleanse me from my sin.
For I know my transgressions,
and my sin is always before me.
Against you, you only, have I sinned
and done what is evil in your sight,
so that you are proved right when you speak
and justified when you judge.
Surely I was sinful at birth,
sinful from the time my mother concieved me.
Surely you desire truth in the inner parts.
You teach me wisdom in the inmost place.
Cleanse me with hyssop, and i will be clean.
Wash me and I will be white as snow.
Let me hear joy and gladness;
let the bones you have crushed rejoice.
Hide your face from my sins
and blot out all my iniquity.
Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
DO not cast me from your presence
or take your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore to me the joy your salvation
and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.
Then I will teach transgressors your way,
and sinners will turn back to you.
Save me from bloodguilt, O God,
the God who saves me,
and my tongue will sing of your righteousness.
O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise.
You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it;
you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings.
THe sacrifices of God are a broken spirit;
a broken and contrite heart,
O God, you will not despise.
In your good pleasure make Zion propser;
build up the walls of Jerusalem.
THen there will be righteous sacrifices,
whole offerings to delight you;
then bulls will be offered on your altar.
Psalm 51
What you say may not be what others interpret.
Worse! What you say may be taken as a verbal attack on others.
This is especially so when there is already a barrier or a taint in our perception.
Sometimes it is better to keep silent.
But if we do so, many times people put words into our mouths.
Or there will be others who are so good at digging out our secrets.
Teach us, Lord to be patient with one another.
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4: 7
Monday, April 2, 2007
Working Days
Some have Monday blues.
We, pastors start our work on the first day of the week SUNDAY.
Monday is the 2nd day.
But we go to work on Monday exhausted after a busy Sunday.
By the middle of the week I get really exhausted with all the meetings, administration, sermon preparation, hospital visits, etc.
Thank God for Wednesday... my Sabbath! Rest but many times it is family errands.
May the Lord give us strength to work and to play.
"It is easy - terribly easy - to shake a man's faith in himself.
To take advantage of that to break a man's spirit is devil's work."
Thomas Morell