Saturday, April 21, 2007

Hospital Visit

Yesterday I went to the hospital to visit someone.
When I finally arrived and entered her room, I couldn't recognise her.
She used to be slim and cheerful.
But she looks swollen instead. Face, neck, arms and all.
And the usual smile and chatty person was not there.
She could not move or even smile.
She just stared at me point blank.
I was distraught but tried to contain it within myself.
I smiled at her and then prayed for her.
That was all I could do. I felt so helpless!
It did not take long for me to say that I have to get going because inside of me, I was crying for her and I did not want to show it. If I stayed any longer, I would have burst into tears.

Lord Jesus, comfort this person and take away her pain and suffering. Let your presence be felt so that she will feel safe and secure in your arms. Thank you Lord, that I can visit her and minister to her in prayer. Amen.

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