Sunday, July 15, 2007

Matthew 5: 9

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.”

The sequence of thought from purity of heart to peacemakers is so natural, because one of the most frequent causes of conflict is intrigue while openness and sincerity are essential to all true reconciliation.

Every Christian is meant to be a peacemaker in the community, in church and in their family. We are all called to pursue peace and strive for peace with all men.

Peace means reconciliation. And God reconcile himself to the world through Christ on the cross. He made peace with us at an immense cost. True peace and true forgiveness are costly treasures which we must give in order to receive.

To be a peacekeeper is to keep the peace which is already there whereas peacemaker means to pro-actively make peace from misunderstanding, quarrels and unforgiveness.
And we are to be peacemakers, not just peacekeepers.

Lord Jesus, help to make peace with my enemies and better still make peace and be the one who reconciles among two parties who face misunderstanding and hurts with each other.

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