Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Wise Saying
The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them,
but to be indifferent to them; that's the essence of inhumanity.
George Bernard Shaw
Friday, August 10, 2007
The Most Amazing Dog!
If this 2-legged dog can overcome its handicap and live normally, we can overcome any giants in our lives.
National Day Parade 07
We had a great time @ the National Day Parade this year held at the Marina Bay.
The fireworks is so close... and because we are by the bay, we had lots of sea display like the Navy's power of boats and the Airforce's jets and helicopters were great.
The finale of fireworks and the ending of the Pledge and National Anthem was so nostalgic.
After everything, 20 minutes walk back to Adelphi in the human jam and then the 40 minutes out of the basement carpark was no joke...

Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Aiyah... The flu bug has got me...
My nose is dripping, I keep sneezing, my throat is sore and painful, my eyes is teary...
O Lord, I need to stay healthy...
Ruth is away in NY and the kids will be asking for more attention.
I don't want to pass this bug to them.
And I have work to do... A number of items needs my attention.
I feel drowsy now and must rest...
My nose is dripping, I keep sneezing, my throat is sore and painful, my eyes is teary...
O Lord, I need to stay healthy...
Ruth is away in NY and the kids will be asking for more attention.
I don't want to pass this bug to them.
And I have work to do... A number of items needs my attention.
I feel drowsy now and must rest...
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Sometimes I ask myself,
"Am I making a statement when I wear the different spectacles that I have recently?"
That without the glasses, I would be half blind...
That without the glasses, I would be half blind...
Or that when I wear blue spectacles, I am in a serious mood while the white spectacles is telling everyone that I am in a crazy and fun mood.
Another Week Past
It has been another busy week...
I have had a few last minute arrangements recently.
On Monday evening, I receive a call requesting me to bless their house.
A week later, another call on Monday morning requesting me to conduct a funeral cremation service on the same afternoon. I am not complaining but I am just amused that today everything is done so quickly.
In between there were quite a number of meetings to attend.
I fell ill with a terrible throat on Sunday after my preaching at the Sunday Services.
I guess my body just realise that it has over-stretched from the running around attending to the many commitments of ministry.
Thank you Lord, for giving me opportunity to serve the people both in happy occasions and in distress moments of their lives. Help me to rejoice with them and weep with them. Give me wisdom when I need to present or advise during administrative meetings. I need your strength and that you will keep me from falling ill. Amen!
I have had a few last minute arrangements recently.
On Monday evening, I receive a call requesting me to bless their house.
A week later, another call on Monday morning requesting me to conduct a funeral cremation service on the same afternoon. I am not complaining but I am just amused that today everything is done so quickly.
In between there were quite a number of meetings to attend.
I fell ill with a terrible throat on Sunday after my preaching at the Sunday Services.
I guess my body just realise that it has over-stretched from the running around attending to the many commitments of ministry.
Thank you Lord, for giving me opportunity to serve the people both in happy occasions and in distress moments of their lives. Help me to rejoice with them and weep with them. Give me wisdom when I need to present or advise during administrative meetings. I need your strength and that you will keep me from falling ill. Amen!
Matthew 5: 43 - 48
"You have heard that it was said, `Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”
What is active love? It is loving the unlovable. It is loving those who have evil intentions against us. It is loving not expecting to be loved in return. I think this is Agape love or in English, “godly or divine love.” And Jesus did not just preach it but demonstrated it on the cross.
Lord Jesus, help me to love as Jesus loves. Amen.
What is active love? It is loving the unlovable. It is loving those who have evil intentions against us. It is loving not expecting to be loved in return. I think this is Agape love or in English, “godly or divine love.” And Jesus did not just preach it but demonstrated it on the cross.
Lord Jesus, help me to love as Jesus loves. Amen.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Matthew 5: 42
“Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.”
Have you lent some money to someone and never got it back?
And this has happened to us many times in the past. When I first experienced such an encounter, I was hurt and had a grudge against the borrower. It happened some 20 years ago. Then it happened again and again. Then it happened to my wife. And the amount was not small. It was then that my wife quoted this saying:
“When someone comes to you to borrow money, lend never expecting return.” If they had the ability to return, they would never have to borrow in the first place.
Again I have to realize that lending will not be so simple. There will be those who abuse and cause those who really needed help to be discounted. So even in this, discernment is essential in our decision to help. Or else we will be abused by those who came to cheat and those who really needed our help may not get our help as our finances are limited.
Lord Jesus, grant me your wisdom so that I can discern who I should help, lending never expecting return. Amen.
Have you lent some money to someone and never got it back?
And this has happened to us many times in the past. When I first experienced such an encounter, I was hurt and had a grudge against the borrower. It happened some 20 years ago. Then it happened again and again. Then it happened to my wife. And the amount was not small. It was then that my wife quoted this saying:
“When someone comes to you to borrow money, lend never expecting return.” If they had the ability to return, they would never have to borrow in the first place.
Again I have to realize that lending will not be so simple. There will be those who abuse and cause those who really needed help to be discounted. So even in this, discernment is essential in our decision to help. Or else we will be abused by those who came to cheat and those who really needed our help may not get our help as our finances are limited.
Lord Jesus, grant me your wisdom so that I can discern who I should help, lending never expecting return. Amen.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Matthew 5: 40 - 41
And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.
If someone wants to sue me, then I must have wrong that person.
And Jesus has put pressure on his disciples not to just put right to the wrong but to compensate more. I think Jesus is bringing across that we are to do our best to reconcile the relationship. That we should make every effort to reinstate the pain and hurt of the offended and reconcile the relationship. Again we do our part and leave the rest to God. In the eyes of the law, we have already recompense and paid the price. And in the eyes of God, we have done all we can to reconcile the relationship. There will be times when the other party may not respond positively. So that is why we live everything to God after we do what is right and even more.
Lord Jesus, help me to put right what I have wronged and not just put right but to reconcile the relationships that had gone sour. Even if I do not get the response that I desire to receive, I leave everyting to You that You will make everything beautiful in Your time. Amen.
If someone wants to sue me, then I must have wrong that person.
And Jesus has put pressure on his disciples not to just put right to the wrong but to compensate more. I think Jesus is bringing across that we are to do our best to reconcile the relationship. That we should make every effort to reinstate the pain and hurt of the offended and reconcile the relationship. Again we do our part and leave the rest to God. In the eyes of the law, we have already recompense and paid the price. And in the eyes of God, we have done all we can to reconcile the relationship. There will be times when the other party may not respond positively. So that is why we live everything to God after we do what is right and even more.
Lord Jesus, help me to put right what I have wronged and not just put right but to reconcile the relationships that had gone sour. Even if I do not get the response that I desire to receive, I leave everyting to You that You will make everything beautiful in Your time. Amen.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Matthew 5: 38 - 39
"You have heard that it was said, `Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.' But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.
Jesus brings another extreme action which is difficult to follow. After being struck on the cheek, we are to offer the other cheek. This is something quite humanly impossible. If someone were to cheat me of $100,000, will I still be willing to help this person if he comes to me with another $100,000 debt that he needs to clear? Many questions will run in my mind that by clearing the debt, it will not help this person and only cause him to be irresponsible. But if I look at it simply, will I still go all the way and help him? This is un-natural and difficult especially when he had already cheated me.
I may not be able to reach to that level of forgiveness or compassion. But I do know that I will try to help in the way I find most suitable and to my ability emotionally, practically and spiritually. That is the standard Jesus is talking about.
Lord Jesus, help me to grow to love like you. To be able to forgive and to have compassion on the people around me. Sometimes it may be difficult but I know that by your strength and love, I will be one who cares like Jesus cares. Amen.
Jesus brings another extreme action which is difficult to follow. After being struck on the cheek, we are to offer the other cheek. This is something quite humanly impossible. If someone were to cheat me of $100,000, will I still be willing to help this person if he comes to me with another $100,000 debt that he needs to clear? Many questions will run in my mind that by clearing the debt, it will not help this person and only cause him to be irresponsible. But if I look at it simply, will I still go all the way and help him? This is un-natural and difficult especially when he had already cheated me.
I may not be able to reach to that level of forgiveness or compassion. But I do know that I will try to help in the way I find most suitable and to my ability emotionally, practically and spiritually. That is the standard Jesus is talking about.
Lord Jesus, help me to grow to love like you. To be able to forgive and to have compassion on the people around me. Sometimes it may be difficult but I know that by your strength and love, I will be one who cares like Jesus cares. Amen.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Matthew 5: 33 - 37
"Again, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, `Do not break your oath, but keep the oaths you have made to the Lord.' But I tell you, Do not swear at all: either by heaven, for it is God's throne; or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King. And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black. Simply let your `Yes' be `Yes,' and your`No,' `No'; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.
The question that I ask after reading is that making oaths prohibited? If so, then we will have problems making oaths at the Commissioner of Oaths to give evidence on oath in a court of law.
I think to look into the context of the passage, Jesus was emphasizing in his teaching that an honest man do not need to resort to oaths; it was not that they should refuse to take an oath if required by some external authority to do so.
So therefore, oath-taking or swearing will only be pathetic if it is a confession of our own dishonesty. The only reason is that when we know our simple word is not likely to be trusted, so we try to induce people to believe us by adding a solemn oath.
As Christians, we need to say what we mean and mean what we say.
CONTEMPLATIO / PRAYERLord Jesus, help me to say honestly but yet tactfully. To mean what I say and say what I mean. Amen.
The question that I ask after reading is that making oaths prohibited? If so, then we will have problems making oaths at the Commissioner of Oaths to give evidence on oath in a court of law.
I think to look into the context of the passage, Jesus was emphasizing in his teaching that an honest man do not need to resort to oaths; it was not that they should refuse to take an oath if required by some external authority to do so.
So therefore, oath-taking or swearing will only be pathetic if it is a confession of our own dishonesty. The only reason is that when we know our simple word is not likely to be trusted, so we try to induce people to believe us by adding a solemn oath.
As Christians, we need to say what we mean and mean what we say.
CONTEMPLATIO / PRAYERLord Jesus, help me to say honestly but yet tactfully. To mean what I say and say what I mean. Amen.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Matthew 5: 31 - 32
"It has been said, `Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.' But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery.
Today, many marriages head to divorce. It is sad to see this happening. If everyone were to take these words of Jesus seriously, there will be more commitment to one another. I think this does not only concern marriages but also commitment to one another in word or promises we make to one another. Sometimes I feel many of us do not keep our promises. We simply forget what we promise or simply refuse to keep our word.
Lord Jesus, help me to keep my commitment to my wife and my family. Help me also to keep my word and promises I make to the people around me. Sometimes I forget what I promise but Lord, bring back memories so that I can be a man of truth and integrity. Amen.
Today, many marriages head to divorce. It is sad to see this happening. If everyone were to take these words of Jesus seriously, there will be more commitment to one another. I think this does not only concern marriages but also commitment to one another in word or promises we make to one another. Sometimes I feel many of us do not keep our promises. We simply forget what we promise or simply refuse to keep our word.
Lord Jesus, help me to keep my commitment to my wife and my family. Help me also to keep my word and promises I make to the people around me. Sometimes I forget what I promise but Lord, bring back memories so that I can be a man of truth and integrity. Amen.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Busy weekend
Had a very busy weekend.
First someone's father passed away and I conducted the cremation service on Friday morning and Church Prayer Meeting was on Friday evening before picking up Ruth from the airport.
On Saturday morning, conducted a sea burial and then fetched the children for ballet class and Tien Sia. After that went to visit a church member's son's one year old birthday celebrati0n.
Sunday morning is busy with work and then went home. Had to settle some of the children's homework and project work. Went out for dinner and see how my new house is doing. It is looking good.
Architect Drawing
Present State of Building

Next week will be a busy week...
Furthermore I will be preaching for all the Worship Services next Sunday.
Lord Jesus, strengthen me spiritually, physically and mentally as I look forward for another busy but fulfilling week. Amen!
First someone's father passed away and I conducted the cremation service on Friday morning and Church Prayer Meeting was on Friday evening before picking up Ruth from the airport.
On Saturday morning, conducted a sea burial and then fetched the children for ballet class and Tien Sia. After that went to visit a church member's son's one year old birthday celebrati0n.
Sunday morning is busy with work and then went home. Had to settle some of the children's homework and project work. Went out for dinner and see how my new house is doing. It is looking good.
Architect Drawing
Present State of Building

Next week will be a busy week...
Furthermore I will be preaching for all the Worship Services next Sunday.
Lord Jesus, strengthen me spiritually, physically and mentally as I look forward for another busy but fulfilling week. Amen!
Friday, July 27, 2007
Matthew 5: 27 - 30
"You have heard that it was said, `Do not commit adultery.' But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell."
Jesus focus on another of the 10 commandments – Do not commit adultery and even deepen the application of adultery. Even sight and imaginations will cause a person to fall into sin. From this application, Jesus brings to me that it is not just doing the physical action but even in thinking and looking… It is what is in the inside that matters. Sin begins not on the outside but the inside. Sometimes it is so difficult to live this standard Jesus has set, because it means every single second and minute, we need to be cautious of not just our behaviour but our thoughts and words.
To be true to ourselves, where your heart is there your treasure will be also. So the only way to have victory over sin is to surrender totally to His will and to allow Him to help us live this life of holiness.
Lord Jesus, help me to live to the standard of holiness you have set through Jesus. Though it may seem humanly impossible to control our thoughts and words every moment, every minute and every second, it is divinely possible. So take control of my mind, mouth and being. Amen.
Jesus focus on another of the 10 commandments – Do not commit adultery and even deepen the application of adultery. Even sight and imaginations will cause a person to fall into sin. From this application, Jesus brings to me that it is not just doing the physical action but even in thinking and looking… It is what is in the inside that matters. Sin begins not on the outside but the inside. Sometimes it is so difficult to live this standard Jesus has set, because it means every single second and minute, we need to be cautious of not just our behaviour but our thoughts and words.
To be true to ourselves, where your heart is there your treasure will be also. So the only way to have victory over sin is to surrender totally to His will and to allow Him to help us live this life of holiness.
Lord Jesus, help me to live to the standard of holiness you have set through Jesus. Though it may seem humanly impossible to control our thoughts and words every moment, every minute and every second, it is divinely possible. So take control of my mind, mouth and being. Amen.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Matthew 5: 25 - 26
"Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court. Do it while you are still with him on the way, or he may hand you over to the judge, and the judge may hand you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into prison. I tell you the truth, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny.
Jesus advised that if we have unpaid debts, make settlement quickly especially if the creditor has intention to take us to court.
This illustration that Jesus told is that we must not allow any estrangement to remain but to put right immediately. As soon as we are conscious of a broken relationship, we must take initiative to mend it, to apologise for the grievance we have caused, to pay a debt we have left unpaid, to make amends. If we want to avoid committing murder in God’s sight, we must take every possible positive step to live in peace and love with everyone.
Sometimes it seems so difficult to practice what Jesus had taught. To take every possible step to live in peace and love with everyone is something I yearn to do but in circumstances I am in. I may want the peace and reconciliation but the other party may not respond the same. Sometimes I get so worried that I may be misunderstood if I take such steps. Sometimes it is not that I have caused the grievances but instead I have been grieved or hurt. I always believe that I just need to obey and do what is required of me, then leave the rest to God.
Lord Jesus, help me to put things right especially when I am the offender. Help me to be humble to ask for forgiveness. Amen.
Jesus advised that if we have unpaid debts, make settlement quickly especially if the creditor has intention to take us to court.
This illustration that Jesus told is that we must not allow any estrangement to remain but to put right immediately. As soon as we are conscious of a broken relationship, we must take initiative to mend it, to apologise for the grievance we have caused, to pay a debt we have left unpaid, to make amends. If we want to avoid committing murder in God’s sight, we must take every possible positive step to live in peace and love with everyone.
Sometimes it seems so difficult to practice what Jesus had taught. To take every possible step to live in peace and love with everyone is something I yearn to do but in circumstances I am in. I may want the peace and reconciliation but the other party may not respond the same. Sometimes I get so worried that I may be misunderstood if I take such steps. Sometimes it is not that I have caused the grievances but instead I have been grieved or hurt. I always believe that I just need to obey and do what is required of me, then leave the rest to God.
Lord Jesus, help me to put things right especially when I am the offender. Help me to be humble to ask for forgiveness. Amen.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Matthew 5: 21 - 24
“You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, `Do not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.' But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to his brother, `Raca, ' is answerable to the Sanhedrin. But anyone who says, `You fool!' will be in danger of the fire of hell. Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift."
Jesus begins to deepen the demands of the law… he started with the 6th and the 7th of the 10 commandments, the prohibitions against murder and adultery.
In verse 21 – 22, Jesus talked about murder, he made the application of murder much wider than physical murder. It included thoughts and words as well as deeds, anger and insult as well as physical murder. In the Greek manuscript, additional words of “without a cause” puts the anger into perspective. Not all anger is evil as there are righteous anger. Jesus is referring to unrighteous anger, anger of pride, vanity, hatred, malice and revenge.
Insults are mentioned at the end of verse 22. Jesus warns us against calling our brother “Fool” insulting his intelligence.
Angry and insulting words or thoughts may not lead to the ultimate act of murder but they are tantamount to murder in God’s sight. Our thoughts, words and looks all indicate that as sometimes we dare to say, “we wish that person is dead.” Such an evil wish is a breach of the sixth commandment.
Sometimes it is so difficult to go to that person I am angry with because of some misunderstanding or even are real mistreatment done to me but the scripture tells me that I need to surrender it to God. If there will be an opportunity, God will give me the strength and the love of Jesus to approach that person and reconcile.
Lord Jesus, I am sorry and I ask for your forgiveness for this anger I have in my heart. Help forgive and help me reconcile. Amen.
Jesus begins to deepen the demands of the law… he started with the 6th and the 7th of the 10 commandments, the prohibitions against murder and adultery.
In verse 21 – 22, Jesus talked about murder, he made the application of murder much wider than physical murder. It included thoughts and words as well as deeds, anger and insult as well as physical murder. In the Greek manuscript, additional words of “without a cause” puts the anger into perspective. Not all anger is evil as there are righteous anger. Jesus is referring to unrighteous anger, anger of pride, vanity, hatred, malice and revenge.
Insults are mentioned at the end of verse 22. Jesus warns us against calling our brother “Fool” insulting his intelligence.
Angry and insulting words or thoughts may not lead to the ultimate act of murder but they are tantamount to murder in God’s sight. Our thoughts, words and looks all indicate that as sometimes we dare to say, “we wish that person is dead.” Such an evil wish is a breach of the sixth commandment.
Sometimes it is so difficult to go to that person I am angry with because of some misunderstanding or even are real mistreatment done to me but the scripture tells me that I need to surrender it to God. If there will be an opportunity, God will give me the strength and the love of Jesus to approach that person and reconcile.
Lord Jesus, I am sorry and I ask for your forgiveness for this anger I have in my heart. Help forgive and help me reconcile. Amen.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Matthew 5: 17 - 20
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.
So far Jesus has spoken about Christian Character and Christian Influence. Now he goes on to the practical actions to reveal the Christian Character and the practical aspects of Christian Influence.
He began with righteousness. The ‘good works’ refers to works of obedience. Jesus begins the sermon with a third person (Blessed are the poor...). He continued with the second person (You are the salt…) Now he uses the first person (I say to you…)
The passage can be divided into two parts:
First Christ and the law and then the Christian and the law.
Christ came not to abolish the law but to fulfill the law that He will be the Righteous One who will bring justification for the sins of the whole world so that we will all be justified for heaven. So as Christians who have been set free from the bondage of sin, we live in His righteousness and in His power we live righteous lives in this world. Sometimes it is so difficult living the righteousness of God as fallen people, that is why we continue to live in His grace and mercy, yet working hard to be sanctified daily, striving towards perfection, always improving ourselves to live for God.
Lord Jesus, help me to live in Your righteousness and even when I fall, pick me up and sanctify me that I may continue to strive towards perfection in Your grace. Amen.
So far Jesus has spoken about Christian Character and Christian Influence. Now he goes on to the practical actions to reveal the Christian Character and the practical aspects of Christian Influence.
He began with righteousness. The ‘good works’ refers to works of obedience. Jesus begins the sermon with a third person (Blessed are the poor...). He continued with the second person (You are the salt…) Now he uses the first person (I say to you…)
The passage can be divided into two parts:
First Christ and the law and then the Christian and the law.
Christ came not to abolish the law but to fulfill the law that He will be the Righteous One who will bring justification for the sins of the whole world so that we will all be justified for heaven. So as Christians who have been set free from the bondage of sin, we live in His righteousness and in His power we live righteous lives in this world. Sometimes it is so difficult living the righteousness of God as fallen people, that is why we continue to live in His grace and mercy, yet working hard to be sanctified daily, striving towards perfection, always improving ourselves to live for God.
Lord Jesus, help me to live in Your righteousness and even when I fall, pick me up and sanctify me that I may continue to strive towards perfection in Your grace. Amen.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
10 things God won't ask me
I received an email with this topic on 10 things God won't ask me on that great day.
It is a reminder for me and all that God looks differently at things...
1. God won't ask what kind of car you drove. He'll ask how many people you drove who didn't have transportation.
2. God won't ask the square footage of your house, He'll ask how many people you welcomed into your home.
3. God won't ask about the clothes you had in your closet, He'll ask how many you helped to clothe.
4. God won't ask what your highest salary was. He'll ask if you compromised your character to obtain it.
5. God won't ask what your job title was. He'll ask if you performed your job to the best of your ability.
6. God won't ask how many friends you had. He'll ask how many people to whom you were a friend.
7. God won't ask in what neighborhood you lived, He'll ask how you treated your neighbors.
8. God won't ask about the color of your skin, He'll ask about the content of your character.
9. God won't ask why it took you so long to seek Salvation. He'll lovingly take you to your mansion in heaven, and not to the gates of Hell.
10. God won't have to ask how many people you going to encourage, He already knows your decision.
It is a reminder for me and all that God looks differently at things...
1. God won't ask what kind of car you drove. He'll ask how many people you drove who didn't have transportation.
2. God won't ask the square footage of your house, He'll ask how many people you welcomed into your home.
3. God won't ask about the clothes you had in your closet, He'll ask how many you helped to clothe.
4. God won't ask what your highest salary was. He'll ask if you compromised your character to obtain it.
5. God won't ask what your job title was. He'll ask if you performed your job to the best of your ability.
6. God won't ask how many friends you had. He'll ask how many people to whom you were a friend.
7. God won't ask in what neighborhood you lived, He'll ask how you treated your neighbors.
8. God won't ask about the color of your skin, He'll ask about the content of your character.
9. God won't ask why it took you so long to seek Salvation. He'll lovingly take you to your mansion in heaven, and not to the gates of Hell.
10. God won't have to ask how many people you going to encourage, He already knows your decision.
Matthew 5: 14 - 16
"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.”
When Jesus to us being the light of the world, He is referring to the good works we do in the world. Let men see your good works, then they will give glory to your Father in heaven. The Old Testament prophecy in Isaiah 49: 6 refers to God’s Servant would be a light to the nations which is fulfilled only in Christ Himself and also by Christians who bear witness to Christ.
The salt and light which Jesus used have much to me about Christian responsibilities in the world:
1. There is a fundamental difference between Christians and non-Christians, between the Church and the world.
2. We must accept the responsibility of this difference.
The function of salt is largely negative – it prevents decay.
The function of light is positive – it illumines the darkness.
Jesus calls us to exert a double influence on the community by arresting decay and bringing light in the darkness ie. to stop the spread of evil and to promote the spread of truth and goodness.
Lord Jesus, help me be an influence to the world.
When Jesus to us being the light of the world, He is referring to the good works we do in the world. Let men see your good works, then they will give glory to your Father in heaven. The Old Testament prophecy in Isaiah 49: 6 refers to God’s Servant would be a light to the nations which is fulfilled only in Christ Himself and also by Christians who bear witness to Christ.
The salt and light which Jesus used have much to me about Christian responsibilities in the world:
1. There is a fundamental difference between Christians and non-Christians, between the Church and the world.
2. We must accept the responsibility of this difference.
The function of salt is largely negative – it prevents decay.
The function of light is positive – it illumines the darkness.
Jesus calls us to exert a double influence on the community by arresting decay and bringing light in the darkness ie. to stop the spread of evil and to promote the spread of truth and goodness.
Lord Jesus, help me be an influence to the world.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Matthew 5: 13
"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.”
Jesus went on to talk about Christian influence.
If the beatitudes describe the essential character of the disciples of Jesus, the salt and light metaphors indicate their influence for good in the world.
The world will undoubtedly persecute the Christian, yet the Christian’s calling to serve this persecuting world. This must be our only retaliation.
Every home however poor, used and still uses both salt and light. Salt had a variety of uses. It is both a condiment and a preservative. Before the refrigerator was invented, salt was used to keep meat wholesome and to prevent decay. The effectiveness of salt is conditional; it must retain its saltiness. Strictly speaking, salt can never lose its saltiness.
I am given to understand that sodium chloride is a very stable chemical compound which is resistant to nearly every attack. Nevertheless, it can become contaminated by mixtures with impurities, and then it becomes useless, even dangerous. Desalted salt is unfit even for manure. In the past there were no refineries. Around the Dead Sea which while contains sodium chloride, also contained much else. Of this dust sodium chloride was probably the most soluble component and so the most easily washed out. The residue of white powder still looked like salt, and was doubtless still called salt, but it neither tasted nor act like salt. It was just road dust.
So too, a Christian. Christian saltiness is Christian character depicted in the beatitudes, exemplified in both deed and words. For effective Christian influence, one must retain one’s Christlikeness, as a salt retains its saltiness. If Christians become contaminated with the impurities of the world, they lose their influence.
Someone once said,
“If you want to find the Church, look in the world. And if you want to find the world, look into the Church.”
We are in the world but we must be able to distinguish and be discerning how we live our lives that we are not contaminated by the world.
Lord Jesus, help me not lose my saltiness by the contamination of the world. Help me to live a life of Christlikeness and follow You. Remind me each day that how I live will determine my Christian influence in the world I live in.
Jesus went on to talk about Christian influence.
If the beatitudes describe the essential character of the disciples of Jesus, the salt and light metaphors indicate their influence for good in the world.
The world will undoubtedly persecute the Christian, yet the Christian’s calling to serve this persecuting world. This must be our only retaliation.
Every home however poor, used and still uses both salt and light. Salt had a variety of uses. It is both a condiment and a preservative. Before the refrigerator was invented, salt was used to keep meat wholesome and to prevent decay. The effectiveness of salt is conditional; it must retain its saltiness. Strictly speaking, salt can never lose its saltiness.
I am given to understand that sodium chloride is a very stable chemical compound which is resistant to nearly every attack. Nevertheless, it can become contaminated by mixtures with impurities, and then it becomes useless, even dangerous. Desalted salt is unfit even for manure. In the past there were no refineries. Around the Dead Sea which while contains sodium chloride, also contained much else. Of this dust sodium chloride was probably the most soluble component and so the most easily washed out. The residue of white powder still looked like salt, and was doubtless still called salt, but it neither tasted nor act like salt. It was just road dust.
So too, a Christian. Christian saltiness is Christian character depicted in the beatitudes, exemplified in both deed and words. For effective Christian influence, one must retain one’s Christlikeness, as a salt retains its saltiness. If Christians become contaminated with the impurities of the world, they lose their influence.
Someone once said,
“If you want to find the Church, look in the world. And if you want to find the world, look into the Church.”
We are in the world but we must be able to distinguish and be discerning how we live our lives that we are not contaminated by the world.
Lord Jesus, help me not lose my saltiness by the contamination of the world. Help me to live a life of Christlikeness and follow You. Remind me each day that how I live will determine my Christian influence in the world I live in.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Matthew 5: 11 - 12
"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”
There are 2 ways of persecution mentioned in verse 11.
1. Insult
2. Falsely say all kinds of evil against you
I realize that both the ways mentioned are connected with the words.
The first is about insulting a person and the second is to be falsely accused of some evil deed. Both affect the character of the person being persecuted.
There will be times in our lives we feel that we have been judged unfairly of our character during times of misunderstanding and especially when we know deep within ourselves it never meant to be.
And as a result, we had to pay the price dearly for the things that had happened.
This part of the Beatitudes encourages those of us to
“Rejoice and be glad because great is your reward in heaven.”
To rejoice and be glad is something difficult to do when we are in the midst of such struggles and persecution.
That is why we rejoice not of the struggles but we rejoice because God knows and He will reward us in heaven…
Lord Jesus, help me to look further than the persecutions I go through.
Even when my character is being questioned or even smudged, remind me that You know me and my heart for You.
There are 2 ways of persecution mentioned in verse 11.
1. Insult
2. Falsely say all kinds of evil against you
I realize that both the ways mentioned are connected with the words.
The first is about insulting a person and the second is to be falsely accused of some evil deed. Both affect the character of the person being persecuted.
There will be times in our lives we feel that we have been judged unfairly of our character during times of misunderstanding and especially when we know deep within ourselves it never meant to be.
And as a result, we had to pay the price dearly for the things that had happened.
This part of the Beatitudes encourages those of us to
“Rejoice and be glad because great is your reward in heaven.”
To rejoice and be glad is something difficult to do when we are in the midst of such struggles and persecution.
That is why we rejoice not of the struggles but we rejoice because God knows and He will reward us in heaven…
Lord Jesus, help me to look further than the persecutions I go through.
Even when my character is being questioned or even smudged, remind me that You know me and my heart for You.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Matthew 5: 10
“Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
From peacemaking to persecution – from the work of reconciliation to hostility is quite an irony. But when we look at it again, however hard we try to make peace with some people, they refuse to live at peace with us.
Not all attempts of reconciliation succeed.
Indeed, some take the initiative to oppose us or slander us.
This is not because of our idiosyncracies but for righteousness sake.
They find distasteful the righteousness which we hunger and thirst.
Jesus expects his disciples to rejoice and be glad (vs 12) under persecution.
We are not to retaliate but to jump for joy because our reward is great in heaven.
We may lose everything on earth but we shall inherit everything in heaven.
Persecution is a token of genuineness, a certificate of Christian authenticity.
Suffering is the badge of true discipleship.
Following Christ means suffering because we have to suffer.
Lord Jesus, remind me that when I am persecuted for your sake to have an attitude of joy and a vision of heaven, knowing that it is proof of the genuine faith that I have in you.
From peacemaking to persecution – from the work of reconciliation to hostility is quite an irony. But when we look at it again, however hard we try to make peace with some people, they refuse to live at peace with us.
Not all attempts of reconciliation succeed.
Indeed, some take the initiative to oppose us or slander us.
This is not because of our idiosyncracies but for righteousness sake.
They find distasteful the righteousness which we hunger and thirst.
Jesus expects his disciples to rejoice and be glad (vs 12) under persecution.
We are not to retaliate but to jump for joy because our reward is great in heaven.
We may lose everything on earth but we shall inherit everything in heaven.
Persecution is a token of genuineness, a certificate of Christian authenticity.
Suffering is the badge of true discipleship.
Following Christ means suffering because we have to suffer.
Lord Jesus, remind me that when I am persecuted for your sake to have an attitude of joy and a vision of heaven, knowing that it is proof of the genuine faith that I have in you.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Matthew 5: 9
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.”
The sequence of thought from purity of heart to peacemakers is so natural, because one of the most frequent causes of conflict is intrigue while openness and sincerity are essential to all true reconciliation.
Every Christian is meant to be a peacemaker in the community, in church and in their family. We are all called to pursue peace and strive for peace with all men.
Peace means reconciliation. And God reconcile himself to the world through Christ on the cross. He made peace with us at an immense cost. True peace and true forgiveness are costly treasures which we must give in order to receive.
To be a peacekeeper is to keep the peace which is already there whereas peacemaker means to pro-actively make peace from misunderstanding, quarrels and unforgiveness.
And we are to be peacemakers, not just peacekeepers.
Lord Jesus, help to make peace with my enemies and better still make peace and be the one who reconciles among two parties who face misunderstanding and hurts with each other.
The sequence of thought from purity of heart to peacemakers is so natural, because one of the most frequent causes of conflict is intrigue while openness and sincerity are essential to all true reconciliation.
Every Christian is meant to be a peacemaker in the community, in church and in their family. We are all called to pursue peace and strive for peace with all men.
Peace means reconciliation. And God reconcile himself to the world through Christ on the cross. He made peace with us at an immense cost. True peace and true forgiveness are costly treasures which we must give in order to receive.
To be a peacekeeper is to keep the peace which is already there whereas peacemaker means to pro-actively make peace from misunderstanding, quarrels and unforgiveness.
And we are to be peacemakers, not just peacekeepers.
Lord Jesus, help to make peace with my enemies and better still make peace and be the one who reconciles among two parties who face misunderstanding and hurts with each other.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Matthew 5: 8
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.”
Purity ‘in heart’ indicates the kind of purity to which Jesus is alluding as the words ‘in spirit’ indicated the kind of poverty he meant.
The poor in spirit are the spiritually poor as distinct from those whose poverty is only material. From whom, then, are the pure in heart being distinguished?
Most interpretation of purity in heart is an expression for inward purity, for the quality of those who have been cleansed from moral – as opposed to ceremonial.
Only the pure in heart will see God, see him now with the eye of faith and see his glory in the hereafter, for only the utterly sincere can bear the dazzling vision.
Lord Jesus, search my heart and make it pure that I may see your glory in my life.
Purity ‘in heart’ indicates the kind of purity to which Jesus is alluding as the words ‘in spirit’ indicated the kind of poverty he meant.
The poor in spirit are the spiritually poor as distinct from those whose poverty is only material. From whom, then, are the pure in heart being distinguished?
Most interpretation of purity in heart is an expression for inward purity, for the quality of those who have been cleansed from moral – as opposed to ceremonial.
Only the pure in heart will see God, see him now with the eye of faith and see his glory in the hereafter, for only the utterly sincere can bear the dazzling vision.
Lord Jesus, search my heart and make it pure that I may see your glory in my life.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Matthew 5: 7
“Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.”
Mercy is compassion for people in need. Mercy always deals with what we see of pain, misery and distress, these results of sin.whereas grace deals with sin and guilt itself.
This beatitude is akin to Psalm 18:25.
Mercy embraces both forgiveness for the guilty and compassion for the suffering and needy.
No particular object of the demanded mercy is specified, because mercy is to be a function of Jesus' disciples, not of a particular situation.
This theme is common in Matthew.
The reward is not mercy shown by others but by God.
For to be meek is to acknowledge to others that we are sinners.
To be merciful is to have compassion on others, for they are sinners too.
Lord Jesus, help me to be merciful to others how difficult it may to forgive others.
Remind me Lord that you have forgiven me much more than I can do the same for anyone else.
Mercy is compassion for people in need. Mercy always deals with what we see of pain, misery and distress, these results of sin.whereas grace deals with sin and guilt itself.
This beatitude is akin to Psalm 18:25.
Mercy embraces both forgiveness for the guilty and compassion for the suffering and needy.
No particular object of the demanded mercy is specified, because mercy is to be a function of Jesus' disciples, not of a particular situation.
This theme is common in Matthew.
The reward is not mercy shown by others but by God.
For to be meek is to acknowledge to others that we are sinners.
To be merciful is to have compassion on others, for they are sinners too.
Lord Jesus, help me to be merciful to others how difficult it may to forgive others.
Remind me Lord that you have forgiven me much more than I can do the same for anyone else.
Matthew 5: 6
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.”
"Hunger and thirst" vividly expresses desire (Psalms 42:2; 63:1).
It is best to take "righteousness" here as simultaneously personal righteousness and justice in the broadest sense.
These people desire not only that they may wholly do God's will from the heart, but also that justice may be done everywhere.
All unrighteousness grieves them and makes them homesick for the new heaven and earth -the home of righteousness (2 Peter 3:13).
What they taste now whets their appetites for more.
Ultimately they will be satisfied without qualification only when the kingdom is consummated.
Righteousness in the Bible has at least three aspects:
a. Legal
Legal righteousness is justification, a right relationship with God.
b. Moral
Moral righteousness is that righteousness of character and conduct which pleases God.
c. Social
Biblical righteousness is more than legal and moral. It includes social righteousness as well which is the liberation of oppression and the promotion of civil rights, justice in law courts, integrity in business dealings and honour in home and family affairs.
Thus Christians are committed to hunger for righteousness in the whole human community as something pleasing to a righteous God.
Lord Jesus help me seek complete righteousness whether in legal, moral or social that I may be a righteous Christian for you.
"Hunger and thirst" vividly expresses desire (Psalms 42:2; 63:1).
It is best to take "righteousness" here as simultaneously personal righteousness and justice in the broadest sense.
These people desire not only that they may wholly do God's will from the heart, but also that justice may be done everywhere.
All unrighteousness grieves them and makes them homesick for the new heaven and earth -the home of righteousness (2 Peter 3:13).
What they taste now whets their appetites for more.
Ultimately they will be satisfied without qualification only when the kingdom is consummated.
Righteousness in the Bible has at least three aspects:
a. Legal
Legal righteousness is justification, a right relationship with God.
b. Moral
Moral righteousness is that righteousness of character and conduct which pleases God.
c. Social
Biblical righteousness is more than legal and moral. It includes social righteousness as well which is the liberation of oppression and the promotion of civil rights, justice in law courts, integrity in business dealings and honour in home and family affairs.
Thus Christians are committed to hunger for righteousness in the whole human community as something pleasing to a righteous God.
Lord Jesus help me seek complete righteousness whether in legal, moral or social that I may be a righteous Christian for you.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Matthew 5: 5
“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.”
The word "meek" generally suggests gentleness and the self-control it entails.
To be meek toward others implies freedom from malice and a vengeful spirit.
Jesus exemplifies it best in Matthew 11: 29 and 21: 5.
We may acknowledge our own spiritual bankruptcy and mourn.
But to respond with meekness when others tell us of our bankruptcy is far more difficult. Meekness therefore requires such a true view about ourselves as will express itself even in our attitude toward others.
And the meek, not the strong, aggressive, harsh, tyrannical will inherit the earth.
The verb "inherit" often relates to entrance into the Promised Land.
Entrance into the Promised Land ultimately became a pointer toward entrance into the new heaven and the new earth. (Isaiah 66: 22; Rev 21: 1)
It is interesting to note that in the beatitudes ‘the meek’ come between those who mourn over sin and those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. Meekness is expressing itself in attitude and conduct with respect for others.
The man who is truly meek is the one who is truly amazed that God and man can think of him as well as they do and treat him as well as they do.
This makes him gentle, humble, sensitive, patient in all his dealing with others.
Lord Jesus, help me to be meek, gentle and self control especially as a minister of your word. Amen.
The word "meek" generally suggests gentleness and the self-control it entails.
To be meek toward others implies freedom from malice and a vengeful spirit.
Jesus exemplifies it best in Matthew 11: 29 and 21: 5.
We may acknowledge our own spiritual bankruptcy and mourn.
But to respond with meekness when others tell us of our bankruptcy is far more difficult. Meekness therefore requires such a true view about ourselves as will express itself even in our attitude toward others.
And the meek, not the strong, aggressive, harsh, tyrannical will inherit the earth.
The verb "inherit" often relates to entrance into the Promised Land.
Entrance into the Promised Land ultimately became a pointer toward entrance into the new heaven and the new earth. (Isaiah 66: 22; Rev 21: 1)
It is interesting to note that in the beatitudes ‘the meek’ come between those who mourn over sin and those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. Meekness is expressing itself in attitude and conduct with respect for others.
The man who is truly meek is the one who is truly amazed that God and man can think of him as well as they do and treat him as well as they do.
This makes him gentle, humble, sensitive, patient in all his dealing with others.
Lord Jesus, help me to be meek, gentle and self control especially as a minister of your word. Amen.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Matthew 5: 4
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.”
One might translate this 2nd beatitude
“Happy are the unhappy" in order to draw attention to the paradox it contains.
What kind of sorrow can it be which brings the joy of Christ’s blessing to those who feel it?
It is plain from those promised comfort are not primarily those who mourn the loss of a loved one, but those who mourn the loss of their innocence, their righteousness, their self-respect.
It is a sorrow of repentance.
Weeping for sins can be deeply poignant and can cover a global as well as personal view of sin and our participation in it.
Isaiah 40: 1
"Comfort, comfort my people" is God's response to human sin.
The first two beatitudes deliberately allude to the messianic blessing of Isaiah 61: 1 - 3.
But these blessings, already realized partially but fully only at the consummation,
depend on a Messiah who has come to save his people from their sins.
When we mourn because we know that we are sinful,
only then can we experience God’s mercy.
That is why someone once said,
“Only bad people needs the mercy of God.”
Jesus said that he came for the sinners and the sick.
So it is truly our attitude that God sees in us.
Do we mourn for our sins?
Do we feel that we need a Saviour?
Do we ask for forgiveness because we know that we have done wrong?
Lord Jesus, help me recognize that I am sinful.
That I need a Saviour to forgive me and save me from my sins.
One might translate this 2nd beatitude
“Happy are the unhappy" in order to draw attention to the paradox it contains.
What kind of sorrow can it be which brings the joy of Christ’s blessing to those who feel it?
It is plain from those promised comfort are not primarily those who mourn the loss of a loved one, but those who mourn the loss of their innocence, their righteousness, their self-respect.
It is a sorrow of repentance.
Weeping for sins can be deeply poignant and can cover a global as well as personal view of sin and our participation in it.
Isaiah 40: 1
"Comfort, comfort my people" is God's response to human sin.
The first two beatitudes deliberately allude to the messianic blessing of Isaiah 61: 1 - 3.
But these blessings, already realized partially but fully only at the consummation,
depend on a Messiah who has come to save his people from their sins.
When we mourn because we know that we are sinful,
only then can we experience God’s mercy.
That is why someone once said,
“Only bad people needs the mercy of God.”
Jesus said that he came for the sinners and the sick.
So it is truly our attitude that God sees in us.
Do we mourn for our sins?
Do we feel that we need a Saviour?
Do we ask for forgiveness because we know that we have done wrong?
Lord Jesus, help me recognize that I am sinful.
That I need a Saviour to forgive me and save me from my sins.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Matthew 5: 3
“Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
The word ‘blessed’ can be translated to the word ‘happy’.
The word ‘poor’ literally means ‘’material need’.
And because the needy had no refuge but God, poverty can be identified with the humble dependence on God.
Psalms 34: 6
“This poor man cried out to God in his need.”
So ‘poor’ describes as people with a contrite and humble spirit.
Isaiah 61: 1
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor.”
Therefore, to be poor in spirit is to acknowledge our spiritual poverty indeed our spiritual bankruptcy before God.
We have nothing to offer, nothing to plead, nothing which can buy us favour for heaven.
Lord Jesus help me to realize that I am nothing.
I have nothing that can buy me favour for heaven.
Help me to rely totally on you, my Lord and my God.
The word ‘blessed’ can be translated to the word ‘happy’.
The word ‘poor’ literally means ‘’material need’.
And because the needy had no refuge but God, poverty can be identified with the humble dependence on God.
Psalms 34: 6
“This poor man cried out to God in his need.”
So ‘poor’ describes as people with a contrite and humble spirit.
Isaiah 61: 1
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor.”
Therefore, to be poor in spirit is to acknowledge our spiritual poverty indeed our spiritual bankruptcy before God.
We have nothing to offer, nothing to plead, nothing which can buy us favour for heaven.
Lord Jesus help me to realize that I am nothing.
I have nothing that can buy me favour for heaven.
Help me to rely totally on you, my Lord and my God.
Matthew 5: 1 - 2
When Jesus saw the crowd, he did not get excited to go to the crowd and teach them immediately. Instead he went up to the mountain and sat down.
I suppose he went up to pray. He went up to seek the Father.
He went up to be with God.
But when the disciples went up to the mountain to look for him, he then began to teach them.
Lord Jesus, help me remember to seek you first in all I do.
To put you first and to remember to spend personal moments with you before ministry.
Before I speak with anyone, remind me to speak with you first.
Then only will my words be filled with your love and grace.
When Jesus saw the crowd, he did not get excited to go to the crowd and teach them immediately. Instead he went up to the mountain and sat down.
I suppose he went up to pray. He went up to seek the Father.
He went up to be with God.
But when the disciples went up to the mountain to look for him, he then began to teach them.
Lord Jesus, help me remember to seek you first in all I do.
To put you first and to remember to spend personal moments with you before ministry.
Before I speak with anyone, remind me to speak with you first.
Then only will my words be filled with your love and grace.
Series on the Beattitudes
As I was thinking about choosing what passage to use on over these few months for my personal daily meditation, I felt God wants me to look at Christian Character and Conduct.
A very basic fundamental which I would like to grow in my own faith and ministry.
And where is a better place in scripture than to begin with the teachings of Jesus in the Beattitudes or the Sermon of the Mount which stretches over 3 chapters in the Gospel of Matthew.
Lord Jesus, thank you for giving me an opportunity to grow in the meditation of your word and to be more like you in Christian Character and Conduct. May you be glorified in my life. Amen.
A very basic fundamental which I would like to grow in my own faith and ministry.
And where is a better place in scripture than to begin with the teachings of Jesus in the Beattitudes or the Sermon of the Mount which stretches over 3 chapters in the Gospel of Matthew.
Lord Jesus, thank you for giving me an opportunity to grow in the meditation of your word and to be more like you in Christian Character and Conduct. May you be glorified in my life. Amen.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
I was reading through John 21: 1 - 23 yesterday during MOT Training.
And this is what the Lord spoke to me.
V1 - V3
After Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead after 3 days, he appeared before the disciples at least twice. Simon Peter must have still felt that he had disappointed the Lord and failed to be faithful when he denied him three times. So in verse 3, he went back fishing, the thing that he was most familiar with before he met Jesus.
V4 - V8
Jesus perfored another mircale. A similar miracle which he did at the beginning of his ministry.
That same miracle which he did before he called the disciples to follow him.
The disciples caught so much fish that they could not bring the nets on board but to dragged the nets to shore. Only then did they recognise the Lord Jesus.
V9 - V13
Jesus fed the disciples bread and fish. Not the fish they caught but his own.
V15b - V17
Jesus asked Peter "Do you love me?"
When Peter answered, "Yes Lord", Jesus replied, "Feed my lambs."
This is a re-commission of Peter's calling.
This is to re-instate Peter from his hurt, pain and failure that he was feeling.
V18 - V21
Jesus prophesied the kind of death Peter will suffer.
Peter was concerned about John's death instead.
So Jesus rebuked Peter to focus on his own faith and follow Him.
My Contemplation
God is concerned with my calling and my ministry.
He is concerned with my walk with Him.
Especially when I swayed away from my calling.
When I am discouraged and when I felt that I am a failure.
Jesus is asking me to focus on my calling and my ministry.
Not to look at the situation or at others around.
But to seek God , continue to feed His sheep and follow Him.
My Prayer
Thank you Lord Jesus for speaking to me.
Thank you Lord Jesus for understanding how I feel inside.
Thank you Lord for calling me into the ministry.
And this is what the Lord spoke to me.
V1 - V3
After Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead after 3 days, he appeared before the disciples at least twice. Simon Peter must have still felt that he had disappointed the Lord and failed to be faithful when he denied him three times. So in verse 3, he went back fishing, the thing that he was most familiar with before he met Jesus.
V4 - V8
Jesus perfored another mircale. A similar miracle which he did at the beginning of his ministry.
That same miracle which he did before he called the disciples to follow him.
The disciples caught so much fish that they could not bring the nets on board but to dragged the nets to shore. Only then did they recognise the Lord Jesus.
V9 - V13
Jesus fed the disciples bread and fish. Not the fish they caught but his own.
V15b - V17
Jesus asked Peter "Do you love me?"
When Peter answered, "Yes Lord", Jesus replied, "Feed my lambs."
This is a re-commission of Peter's calling.
This is to re-instate Peter from his hurt, pain and failure that he was feeling.
V18 - V21
Jesus prophesied the kind of death Peter will suffer.
Peter was concerned about John's death instead.
So Jesus rebuked Peter to focus on his own faith and follow Him.
My Contemplation
God is concerned with my calling and my ministry.
He is concerned with my walk with Him.
Especially when I swayed away from my calling.
When I am discouraged and when I felt that I am a failure.
Jesus is asking me to focus on my calling and my ministry.
Not to look at the situation or at others around.
But to seek God , continue to feed His sheep and follow Him.
My Prayer
Thank you Lord Jesus for speaking to me.
Thank you Lord Jesus for understanding how I feel inside.
Thank you Lord for calling me into the ministry.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
When I say I am a Christian by Maya Angelou
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not shouting, "I'm clean living'."
I'm whispering, "I was lost,
Now I'm found and forgiven."
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble
and need Christ to be my guide.
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak
And need His strength to carry on.
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed
And need God to clean my mess.
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not claiming to be perfect,
My flaws are far too visible
But, God believes I am worth it.
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I still feel the sting of pain.
I have my share of heartaches
So I call upon His name.
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not holier than thou,
I'm just a simple sinner
Who received God's good grace, somehow!
Lord Jesus, thank you for your mercy and your grace.
Thank you for loving me. Amen!
I'm not shouting, "I'm clean living'."
I'm whispering, "I was lost,
Now I'm found and forgiven."
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble
and need Christ to be my guide.
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak
And need His strength to carry on.
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed
And need God to clean my mess.
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not claiming to be perfect,
My flaws are far too visible
But, God believes I am worth it.
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I still feel the sting of pain.
I have my share of heartaches
So I call upon His name.
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not holier than thou,
I'm just a simple sinner
Who received God's good grace, somehow!
Lord Jesus, thank you for your mercy and your grace.
Thank you for loving me. Amen!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Rev Dr Gordon Wong preached @ TPMC last Sunday and he cited a poem written by the mother of an 11 year old son, Darren who died in an accident in front of his school. This poem touched many hearts on Sunday. It emphasises the reality some things in life that makes no sense like the death of Thaddeus who died after crossing the finish line of the Triathlon. May God continue to comfort all those who have been struck with tragedy in their lives and bring release from their pain.
(In loving memory of my dearly departed Darren)
I’ve cried myself hoarse,
Questioning God for the cause.
To your sudden homegoing
And the reason for our mourning.
You were the best son, God had favoured us,
Obedient, optimistic, cheerful, clever, loving and robust.
I thank the Lord for ‘loaning’ you to us for eleven years
The happy moments we have shared; inspite of some fears.
(like the time you were lost in Centrepoint; the time you choked on that fish bone).
The most severe chastisement that God can ever send
Is to whisk our loved ones suddenly into His Presence.
The greatest assurance, comfort and consolation
Is that I am fully assured of your salvation.
Pa and I have come to accept God’s will for you, son,
Although our sorrowful hearts are heavy and numb.
Your dying is not in vain, although it caused such pain.
One day our loving heavenly Father will reveal His aim.
We believe you are happier now, safe in Jesus’ arms,
Although Pa and I longed to hold you in our arms.
But we have the assurance that when our work on earth is done,
We’ll join you in Heaven and be with you, our son.
Meanwhile, life must go on and we thank God we have Daphne,
May you rest in His perfect peace and be happy.
Till we meet again on that beautiful golden shore.
And God will wipe away our tears and we cry no more.
Goodbye, our only dearest son!
Your loving Mummy.
The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away;
Blessed be the name of the Lord
(In loving memory of my dearly departed Darren)
I’ve cried myself hoarse,
Questioning God for the cause.
To your sudden homegoing
And the reason for our mourning.
You were the best son, God had favoured us,
Obedient, optimistic, cheerful, clever, loving and robust.
I thank the Lord for ‘loaning’ you to us for eleven years
The happy moments we have shared; inspite of some fears.
(like the time you were lost in Centrepoint; the time you choked on that fish bone).
The most severe chastisement that God can ever send
Is to whisk our loved ones suddenly into His Presence.
The greatest assurance, comfort and consolation
Is that I am fully assured of your salvation.
Pa and I have come to accept God’s will for you, son,
Although our sorrowful hearts are heavy and numb.
Your dying is not in vain, although it caused such pain.
One day our loving heavenly Father will reveal His aim.
We believe you are happier now, safe in Jesus’ arms,
Although Pa and I longed to hold you in our arms.
But we have the assurance that when our work on earth is done,
We’ll join you in Heaven and be with you, our son.
Meanwhile, life must go on and we thank God we have Daphne,
May you rest in His perfect peace and be happy.
Till we meet again on that beautiful golden shore.
And God will wipe away our tears and we cry no more.
Goodbye, our only dearest son!
Your loving Mummy.
The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away;
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Don't Forget to Remember Me
Another song sung by Carrie Underwood that ministered to me.
It is about a young girl who left her family when she was 18 years old to make it in life in the city. Before she left home, her mother gave her some advise.
After some time, when things got rough and bad, she knelt down and prayed which she had not done for some time and came back to God.
18 years have come and gone
For momma they flew by
But for me they drug on and on
We were loading up that Chevy
Both tryin' not to cry
Momma kept on talking
Putting off good-bye
Then she took my hand and said
'Baby don't forget
Before you hit the highway
You better stop for gas
There's a 50 in the ashtray
In case you run short on cash
Here's a map and here's a Bible
If you ever lose your way
Just one more thing before you leave
Don't forget to remember me
'This downtown apartment sure makes me miss home
And those bills there on the counter
Keep telling me I'm on my own
And just like every Sunday I called momma up last night
And even when it's not, I tell her everything's alright
Before we hung up I said
'Hey momma, don't forget to tell my baby sister
I'll see her in the fall
And tell mee-ma that I miss her
Yeah, I should give her a call
And make sure you tell Daddy that I'm still his little girl
Yeah, I still feel like I'm where I'm supposed to be
Don't forget to remember me
'Tonight I find myself kneeling by the bed to pray
I haven't done this in a while
So I don't know what to say
But Lord I feel so small sometimes in this big ol' place
Yeah, I know there are more important things
But don't forget to remember me
But don't forget to remember me'
It is about a young girl who left her family when she was 18 years old to make it in life in the city. Before she left home, her mother gave her some advise.
After some time, when things got rough and bad, she knelt down and prayed which she had not done for some time and came back to God.
18 years have come and gone
For momma they flew by
But for me they drug on and on
We were loading up that Chevy
Both tryin' not to cry
Momma kept on talking
Putting off good-bye
Then she took my hand and said
'Baby don't forget
Before you hit the highway
You better stop for gas
There's a 50 in the ashtray
In case you run short on cash
Here's a map and here's a Bible
If you ever lose your way
Just one more thing before you leave
Don't forget to remember me
'This downtown apartment sure makes me miss home
And those bills there on the counter
Keep telling me I'm on my own
And just like every Sunday I called momma up last night
And even when it's not, I tell her everything's alright
Before we hung up I said
'Hey momma, don't forget to tell my baby sister
I'll see her in the fall
And tell mee-ma that I miss her
Yeah, I should give her a call
And make sure you tell Daddy that I'm still his little girl
Yeah, I still feel like I'm where I'm supposed to be
Don't forget to remember me
'Tonight I find myself kneeling by the bed to pray
I haven't done this in a while
So I don't know what to say
But Lord I feel so small sometimes in this big ol' place
Yeah, I know there are more important things
But don't forget to remember me
But don't forget to remember me'
Saturday, June 9, 2007
On my way home this evening, I was listening to one of songs sung by Carrie Underwood and it ministered to me. Below are lyrics of the song:
Lessons Learned
Sung by Carrie Underwood
There's some things that I regret
Some words I wish had gone unsaid
Some starts that had some bitter endings
Been some bad times I've been through
Damage I cannot undo,
Some things I wish I could do all all over again
But it don't really matter
Life gets that much harder
It makes you that much stronger
Oh, some pages turned, Some bridges burned
But there were Lessons learned.
And every tear that had to fall from my eyes
Everyday I wondered how I'd get through the night
Every change, life has thrown me
I'm thankful, for every break in my heart
I'm grateful, for every scar
Some pages turned,Some bridges burned
But there were lessons learned.
There's mistakes that I have made
Some chances I just threw away
Some roads,I never should've taken
Been some signs I didn't see
Hearts that I hurt needlessly
Some wounds that I wish I could have one more chance to mend
But it don't make no difference
The past can't be rewritten
You get the life you're given
Oh, some pages turned, Some bridges burned
But there were lessons learned.
And all the things that break you
Are all the things that make you strong
You can't change the past cause it's gone
And you just gotta move on
Because it's all, Lessons learned.
Lord Jesus, even with all the mistakes and hurts that come our way, help us move on and learn from them. Amen!
Lessons Learned
Sung by Carrie Underwood
There's some things that I regret
Some words I wish had gone unsaid
Some starts that had some bitter endings
Been some bad times I've been through
Damage I cannot undo,
Some things I wish I could do all all over again
But it don't really matter
Life gets that much harder
It makes you that much stronger
Oh, some pages turned, Some bridges burned
But there were Lessons learned.
And every tear that had to fall from my eyes
Everyday I wondered how I'd get through the night
Every change, life has thrown me
I'm thankful, for every break in my heart
I'm grateful, for every scar
Some pages turned,Some bridges burned
But there were lessons learned.
There's mistakes that I have made
Some chances I just threw away
Some roads,I never should've taken
Been some signs I didn't see
Hearts that I hurt needlessly
Some wounds that I wish I could have one more chance to mend
But it don't make no difference
The past can't be rewritten
You get the life you're given
Oh, some pages turned, Some bridges burned
But there were lessons learned.
And all the things that break you
Are all the things that make you strong
You can't change the past cause it's gone
And you just gotta move on
Because it's all, Lessons learned.
Lord Jesus, even with all the mistakes and hurts that come our way, help us move on and learn from them. Amen!
Esther (My Sermon for 10 Jun 07)
Esther 4
3 Lessons from the Story of Esther
Esther 4: 12 - 14
Who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?
That there is a reason for us to be in this world.
That there is a reason for us to be saved.
That there is a reason for us to be where we are (our family, our jobs, etc)
Esther 4: 11
Esther counted the cost and knew that if she went into the King's presence without being summon may costs her her life.
King David will not offer to God something that will cost him nothing in 2 Samuel 24: 24.
Have we counted the cost when we commit ourselves to give or serve God?
Have we thought about what it will cost us and only to give God the best that will cost us a sacrifice?
Esther 4: 16
When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.
Esther knew the risk involved and knew the purpose that God has for her.
Then she responded to the call and acted on it.
It is not how much we can give or not whether we can save the world.
But it is whether we choose to respond and make a difference whenever the opportunity comes.
Dear Lord, help me know the reason for my being, calculate the risk involved and respond to obey what you require of me to make a difference to my world. Amen!
3 Lessons from the Story of Esther
Esther 4: 12 - 14
Who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?
That there is a reason for us to be in this world.
That there is a reason for us to be saved.
That there is a reason for us to be where we are (our family, our jobs, etc)
Esther 4: 11
Esther counted the cost and knew that if she went into the King's presence without being summon may costs her her life.
King David will not offer to God something that will cost him nothing in 2 Samuel 24: 24.
Have we counted the cost when we commit ourselves to give or serve God?
Have we thought about what it will cost us and only to give God the best that will cost us a sacrifice?
Esther 4: 16
When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.
Esther knew the risk involved and knew the purpose that God has for her.
Then she responded to the call and acted on it.
It is not how much we can give or not whether we can save the world.
But it is whether we choose to respond and make a difference whenever the opportunity comes.
Dear Lord, help me know the reason for my being, calculate the risk involved and respond to obey what you require of me to make a difference to my world. Amen!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Clubmed Ria Bintan
Had a good break....
Went to Clubmed Ria Bintan with my wife.
Played tennis, snorkelling, golf at Ria Bintan Golf Course and spa...
Everyday is a new theme:
Wed - Sports Day
Thurs - Asia Day
Fri - French Day
Sat - Pirate Day
What so good was that drinks was included in the package...
ANY Drink!
We ordered mocktails throughout the day and evening.
Drank sunshine, fruit punch, conga, refresh, etc witha daily dosage of:
2 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon and 3 in the evening.

The sea & Swimming Pool

Trapeze activity!

Golf @ Ria Bintan (The view is awesome)
Went to Clubmed Ria Bintan with my wife.
Played tennis, snorkelling, golf at Ria Bintan Golf Course and spa...
Everyday is a new theme:
Wed - Sports Day
Thurs - Asia Day
Fri - French Day
Sat - Pirate Day
What so good was that drinks was included in the package...
ANY Drink!
We ordered mocktails throughout the day and evening.
Drank sunshine, fruit punch, conga, refresh, etc witha daily dosage of:
2 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon and 3 in the evening.

The sea & Swimming Pool

Trapeze activity!

Golf @ Ria Bintan (The view is awesome)
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Devotion @ AIT
I was looking through something I can share on prayer.
So decided to use Elijah's prayer in 1 Kings 18: 41 - 46.
His prayer had:
1. A Positive Vision
Elijah declared that he heard the rain even when there was not a cloud in the sky.
2. A Passionate Prayer
Elijah kneeled down and prayed passionately.
3. A Pro-active Response
Elijah asked the servant to go look out where the rain would logically come from.
4. A Persistent Will
Elijah persisted to get the servant to go look for 7 times.
And the rain came after 3.5 years of drought.
Lord Jesus, help me be like Elijah when I pray to you. Amen.
So decided to use Elijah's prayer in 1 Kings 18: 41 - 46.
His prayer had:
1. A Positive Vision
Elijah declared that he heard the rain even when there was not a cloud in the sky.
2. A Passionate Prayer
Elijah kneeled down and prayed passionately.
3. A Pro-active Response
Elijah asked the servant to go look out where the rain would logically come from.
4. A Persistent Will
Elijah persisted to get the servant to go look for 7 times.
And the rain came after 3.5 years of drought.
Lord Jesus, help me be like Elijah when I pray to you. Amen.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
My Youngest Son is Registering for Primary One
WOW! Time Flies!
Ryan, my youngest son of 3 children will be registering for Primary One.
And he will just follow his brother to school...
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Got this stomach discomfort for the last 3 days and 'looning' it.
Went to my doctor and diagnosed as too acidic stomach so heartburn occurred.
Was given some anticid to drink slowly and some pills for gas and to clear the stomach.
2 days MC to rest.
Went to my doctor and diagnosed as too acidic stomach so heartburn occurred.
Was given some anticid to drink slowly and some pills for gas and to clear the stomach.
2 days MC to rest.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007

We went to see Spiderman 3, my children and I.
It was really exciting.
Usually the sequels are a let-down but this is unexpectedly good.
Quite a few lessons I learnt from the movie.
1. Revenge will not help us deal with our hurts and mis-givings.
Forgiveness will.
2. Sometimes having pride and overconfidence gives us a good feeling.
In fact it will cause us to neglect the ones we care and love.
But power will hold on and grip us until it destroys us.
And the only way to get out is to allow God to deliver us.
3. God gives us choices and decisions to make.
There will be good and wrong choices that we make.
When we do make wrong choices in life, we must learn to repent and put things right.
My son, Richard says that is responsibility.
Lord Jesus, help us to seek forgiveness when we wrong others and forgive when we were hurt. Help us all not to be overconfident of ourselves but to depend on you for strength, wisdom and guidance. Help us to make good choices and even when we make wrong ones, help us to put them right and move on in life. Amen.
It was really exciting.
Usually the sequels are a let-down but this is unexpectedly good.
Quite a few lessons I learnt from the movie.
1. Revenge will not help us deal with our hurts and mis-givings.
Forgiveness will.
2. Sometimes having pride and overconfidence gives us a good feeling.
In fact it will cause us to neglect the ones we care and love.
But power will hold on and grip us until it destroys us.
And the only way to get out is to allow God to deliver us.
3. God gives us choices and decisions to make.
There will be good and wrong choices that we make.
When we do make wrong choices in life, we must learn to repent and put things right.
My son, Richard says that is responsibility.
Lord Jesus, help us to seek forgiveness when we wrong others and forgive when we were hurt. Help us all not to be overconfident of ourselves but to depend on you for strength, wisdom and guidance. Help us to make good choices and even when we make wrong ones, help us to put them right and move on in life. Amen.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Inside I feel shattered
Like a million pieces
My thoughts are scattered
On everything but JESUS
Let YOUR love make me whole
Let YOUR will take control
Cleanse me with YOUR SPIRIT
Renew my heart and my soul
Guide me on YOUR path
To help others who are lost
YOU bought me with YOUR blood
That YOU poured upon the cross
YOU lift me like kings
YOU speak to me in dreams
YOU give me hope in despair
And forgive me for all things
Like a million pieces
My thoughts are scattered
On everything but JESUS
Let YOUR love make me whole
Let YOUR will take control
Cleanse me with YOUR SPIRIT
Renew my heart and my soul
Guide me on YOUR path
To help others who are lost
YOU bought me with YOUR blood
That YOU poured upon the cross
YOU lift me like kings
YOU speak to me in dreams
YOU give me hope in despair
And forgive me for all things
Sad but accomplished 2 weeks
In the last 2 weeks, a whole range of events took place.
We had 5 deaths in the last 2 weeks: 2 last week and 3 this week.
I visited the families of the deceased and conducted one wake service and one cremation service. Even though I have done many funerals, it felt so sad just seeing the families say goodbye to their loved ones and I had to be strong.
I sent my wife to the airport on Wed morning for her business trip.
I sent PIC to the airport for his Mission Trip to Thailand on Friday.
Then I am back at the airport to fetch my wife on Saturday evening.
I am going again to the airport this evening to sent my wife off to Taiwan.
The airport has become a regular place for me.
My son had a high fever 40 deg on Wed afternoon until Friday.
Brought him to the doctor on Thursday morning.
And I had quite a number of meetings with Care Corner, TRAC Board of Witness & Evangelism, TRAC Board of Youth Ministry, etc.
Lord Jesus, thank you for giving me the opportunity to minister and to comfort the families of the deceased. Thank you for healing my son from his high fever. Please heal him completely of his sore throat, cough and flu. Guide me and teach me how to be a good pastor to the church especially when I have to hold the fort while PIC is not around. Amen.
We had 5 deaths in the last 2 weeks: 2 last week and 3 this week.
I visited the families of the deceased and conducted one wake service and one cremation service. Even though I have done many funerals, it felt so sad just seeing the families say goodbye to their loved ones and I had to be strong.
I sent my wife to the airport on Wed morning for her business trip.
I sent PIC to the airport for his Mission Trip to Thailand on Friday.
Then I am back at the airport to fetch my wife on Saturday evening.
I am going again to the airport this evening to sent my wife off to Taiwan.
The airport has become a regular place for me.
My son had a high fever 40 deg on Wed afternoon until Friday.
Brought him to the doctor on Thursday morning.
And I had quite a number of meetings with Care Corner, TRAC Board of Witness & Evangelism, TRAC Board of Youth Ministry, etc.
Lord Jesus, thank you for giving me the opportunity to minister and to comfort the families of the deceased. Thank you for healing my son from his high fever. Please heal him completely of his sore throat, cough and flu. Guide me and teach me how to be a good pastor to the church especially when I have to hold the fort while PIC is not around. Amen.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Love comes in all sizes....

Your Friends will support you....

And respect your creativity for thinking outside the box....

They'll be there when you need a shoulder to lean on....

A true friend takes interest in understanding what you're all about....

They see beyond the black and white to discover your true colors....

And accept you just the way you are...

Even when you just wake up in the morning So make your own kind of music....

Follow your heart wherever it takes you....

And when someone reaches out to you, don't be afraid to love them back....

They may just be a friend for life....

Practice patience and tolerance.....

Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave....

And impossible to forget! Share this with all your unforgettable friends today....
May Your Day Be Filled With All Things Good.

Your Friends will support you....

And respect your creativity for thinking outside the box....

They'll be there when you need a shoulder to lean on....

A true friend takes interest in understanding what you're all about....

They see beyond the black and white to discover your true colors....

And accept you just the way you are...

Even when you just wake up in the morning So make your own kind of music....

Follow your heart wherever it takes you....

And when someone reaches out to you, don't be afraid to love them back....

They may just be a friend for life....

Practice patience and tolerance.....

Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave....

And impossible to forget! Share this with all your unforgettable friends today....
May Your Day Be Filled With All Things Good.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
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